Dear Donald Trump,
Wow, how did we get here? It's been an interesting year hasn't it? We have learned so much about each other. Actually you don't know shit about me.. it's just been you, you, you this entire time. But I digress.. I am at a stage in my life where I'm looking seriously and systematically for someone I can share my life with. You seem like a nice person to 35-45% of Americans, but I just don't see it. Or get it. I know this letter might come to you as a shock, because what woman on earth would want to break up with You, The Donald, The Trump! The Pussy Grabber!? I know, I'm a silly silly woman. I just can't do this anymore DT, can I call you that? Is that okay? I want you to be very happy. It's very important to me.
We are just on different paths. I want equal pay and the freedom to make decisions concerning my own body. You want to cheat people out of hard earned money and you also like to grab pussies. Like a lot. What's with that DT? Do you think your money and status has power over vaginas? Do you think a woman's genitalia will automatically recognize your tiny hands and be okay with a good ol' fake billionaire gropage? Sadly, my love, that is not the case. I know you don't believe me, but you have to trust me on this one. Oh and darling, you're not much of a looker yourself. Every time I hear your voice or see your glowing orange face I get chills.. chills of the nausea nature. I want to puke, I want to puke my brains out. You're gross. Ridiculously gross, and did you ever learn how to blow your nose? Seriously the sniffing has to stop! How can I trust a man who can't blow his nose? This is serious Donald.. believe me.
I'm choosing to walk away from this relationship with my head held high. You have done nothing for me emotionally, physically, or sexually. Financially all you have offered was to make you and your "good friends" (we know they don't exist.. we know.) richer. I know you made a huuuge donation to your own lawyers. That doesn't count, nope, not even a little bit. Have you noticed that all of your buddies are dropping like flies? No one wants to be around you, and not because you are inventive and a genius force to be reckoned with. People can't stand you because you are an uneducated racist who uses and abuses women and threatens war like it's a conversation at brunch. And nobody fucks with brunch.. Nobody!
We've had some good times though. Remember when you said all Mexicans were rapists? We laughed and laughed because you were just deflecting your own self onto another race. Remember honey? You're the rapist. Oh and I will never forget when you called Alicia Machado 'Miss Piggy' and continued to embarrass her for gaining weight. Sugar-pie Honey-bunch you are fat as fuck. Most doctors in America would categorize you as being obese. You do not have room (in your pants) to talk. That reminds me my love, you keep blaming your words of sexual assault on women as "Locker room talk" Now we all know you have never been in a locker room.. your Jabba the Hutt physique says otherwise. Unless you were talking about the locker room with the naked TEEN beauty queens you barged in on regularly, because you can. If that's what you were talking about, then I apologize.. you have definitely been in a locker room.
It's not you.. it's you. I cannot continue this union anymore and I hope you can respect that. I expect to be publicly embarrassed and my looks will be the reason of our ultimate demise. "I mean look at her.." That's just you, it's who you are. I would hope you can take this time to reflect and really understand my words.. maybe do some yoga? Maybe even a pottery class will help you understand what a complete douchebag you are. I hope you find your center Donald. I really do.
Courtney Marie
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